In this article, you will find all the necessary info you need to enable/disable the payment reference in your Ciontek card terminal and/or mobile phone tablets ' | Terminal'.
The Ciontek card terminals are:
Ciontek CS30PRO
Ciontek CS30PRO with a professional scanner
Ciontek CS50C
With the payment reference, you can add a description to help identify each payment, thus you connect useful information per transaction.
Enable Payment Reference
Select the "More" option at the bottom right-hand side of the screen.
2. Tap on "Payment reference".
3. Enable/disable the payment reference option and choose the source where you want to enter the payment source.
4. Upon returning to the main screen, you will locate 2 options:
A. Add Reference
Select the "Add Reference" and type your desired text.
B. Scan Code
Scan a barcode or a QR code.
After successfully inputting a payment reference, the reference text will be displayed above the keypad.
Edit Reference
If necessary, you can amend (add new, update) the payment reference by selecting the respective text.